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Alumni Interview - Lusine Yeghiazaryan, Master of Arts in Contemporary Fashion Design

In this installment, we talk with Lusine Yeghiazaryan, a Masters of Arts in Contemporary Fashion Design graduate. Learning the creative process from start to finish at IFA Paris helped Lusine launch her unique clothing line Lussiné Paris, incorporating ceramics with high-quality fabrics.

Get to know:

Name: Lusine Yeghiazaryan
Nationality: Armenian
IFA Campus: Paris
Program studied: Masters of Arts in Contemporary Fashion Design
Graduation year: 2020
Favorite course: They were all great, seriously, but the first and most exciting one was the Creative Process Workshop.
Current project: I’ve recently registered my brand Lussine Paris and I’m designing shirts made with high-quality fabric (cotton, silk, and organza) with ceramic jewellery. It’s all made in France, from the high-quality porcelain powder (mixed with gold) down to the material and design.
Social media: Instagram @lussyne
Fashion inspiration: Alexander McQueen. Everything he has done (and that his brand continues to do) is pure emotion. The clothes are pure emotion, every piece.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background - who you are, where you come from and what got you interested in studying fashion.

I was born in Armenia to a family of artists. My father is a painter and well-known in the USA, and my mother is a folklore professor and goes into the psychology of fairy tales. So I have a visual background and understand the psychology behind the visual aspects. That’s why I couldn’t stay with just 2D graphic designs - I wanted to work with more textures and go into 3D art.

Lussiné Paris

Lussiné Paris

I came to Paris in 2013 and went to ESMOD Paris for my Bachelor in Haute Couture. After working in the luxury handbag industry for a year, I realised I wanted to do a Master so that I could create my own label, something that was new in fashion. I haven’t seen the combination of ceramics and fabric together in one garment, and so I wanted to do something with this that is sustainable, pure, and of high quality. This is what I’m dreaming of achieving!

What are you currently doing, and what’s most exciting about it?

I’m currently producing high-quality shirts with ceramics and the most exciting part is the entire process because you never know what will come out of it!

Even if you know and understand the technical process and how to use the materials to create certain colours or patterns, it hardly comes out how you think it will be. Sometimes it’s much better! The creative process and the constant experimenting isn’t boring at all, and it will never be!

What skills did you learn at IFA Paris that helps you in your current role?

The creative research process at IFA Paris has been essential. Even if you’re a creative person, knowing how to channel it and manage it is important. If you’re inspired by something, you need to understand how to bring it out, from designing, to the product itself, to selling it.

IFA Paris isn’t just a fashion school - you get a real impression of how to produce items and understand the market. We study real-life examples of artists and why they have created something and for whom. Through their experience, you realise the parallels between what you want to do and how you can go about doing it.

Lussiné Paris Collection

Lussiné Paris Collection

You also create a business plan, and it was great and very professional. I’ve done a few before, but none were as professional and tangible. It’s a real way to understand fashion and be in it.

In FOUR words, describe your IFA Paris experience:

Hard, amazing, international, pure love (I’ve attended so many different schools and this is the only one I love).

What words of wisdom do you have for current and any future IFA Paris students?

Always be there because if you aren’t present, you’ll miss a lot of information that won’t be repeated. All the professors are different and when they’re giving their courses, you need to listen.

Always do your maximum because it will be appreciated.

You’ll spend a lot of time on campus, and when you see students working on their projects, talk with them and have a great exchange.

Participate in fashion weeks! It’s a unique chance and at IFA Paris, they have the best opportunities and priorities to participate in many events which are closed for others.

If you could choose three things to include for an IFA Paris “survival toolkit”, what would they be?

Bring a mannequin for home use as sometimes the school ones are booked, a laptop, coffee (sometimes I was there until 22:00!)

Lusine's top tips for: Paris

Cheap eats: The Quartier Latin has great restaurants. There’s also a small Italian restaurant near Place d’Italie which serves the best Italian
Place to hangout with friends: l’aile Richelieu of Louvre museum. It’s an area with Greek sculptures and trees, and when you’re there, you have the impression of being in a surreal place.
Getting around: Metro is the best thing, and Uber.
Relaxing: I like going to fabric stores near Montmartre! I love seeing all they have to offer and it’s the best shopping for me.
Favorite word in local language: Attention! (Be careful!) It’s the most useful one when you’re in the metro.

For more information on this program, please visit: Postgradute Degree Fashion Entrepreneurship - Design Major

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