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MBA Fashion Entrepreneurship – Tech Major

  • Available in Paris and Istanbul (in-person and online)
  • Language: Full French or Full English
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Cooperative Education: AVAILABLE FOR YEAR 1 & 2
  • 120 ECTS

This MBA is for aspiring fashion entrepreneurs seeking to leverage technology to disrupt the industry. The program fosters a culture of experimentation and innovation, encouraging students to embrace a scientific approach, providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to build successful tech-driven fashion brands.

Learning Objectives

Year 1 (Postgraduate)

The aim of year 1 is to prepare students who study fashion management and marketing for the responsibilities they will have to take on in management positions within companies.


Marketing & merchandising

  • Strategic planning
  • Distribution
  • Innovative client experience
  • Sensory marketing
  • Branding

The fashion industry

  • Planning
  • Finance
  • Advanced strategies
  • Intellectual property
  • Corporate law

Fashion and the environment

  • E-commerce
  • Intercultural fashion
  • Sustainable sourcing
  • Managing a “fashion faux pas”

Two options from:

  • MBA Fashion and Luxury Marketing
  • Media and image production
  • Fashion and eco-responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Fashion design workshop

Possible internship

6-month internship or cooperative education

Fourth-year highlights

  • Customising of the curriculum: The choice of two electives
  • Crisis communication management project: The “Fashion faux-pas ” in collaboration with students following the Fashion Design Postgraduate Program
  • Operational consulting project with a global fashion brand focusing on innovating the customer experience.
  • Development of an international solidarity project with the UN's IOM (International Organisation for Migrants)
  • Intercultural Fashion Advocacy Project : Understanding fashion as a tool for diplomatic relations

Year 2 (Postgraduate)

The program is also aimed at students who have a genuine passion for innovation and who see tech as an essential element in the restructuring of the fashion industry. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to adopt a scientific, practical and iterative experimentation strategy in their approach to tech and innovation.



  • Market research
  • Beta-testing

Start-up development

  • Business Model
  • Fundraising strategies
  • Lobbying strategies
  • Legal Environment Applied to Start-ups


  • AI Powered Forecasts
  • Fashion Metaverse
  • Marketing through Influence
  • Public relations


  • Using Lab Fashion tech

Start-up challenge

  • The Art of the Pitch
  • Start-Up Project

6-month internship or cooperative education

Fifth-year highlights

  • In-depth training for the challenges faced by entrepreneurs: investor pitches, financing strategies, administrative and legal issues.
  • Fashion Technology lab workshops for hands-on experimentation
  • Personalized professional experience tailored to the student’s project: startup internships, cooperative education, consulting projects, or launching a company


The conceptualization module grouping is designed to equip students with the essential skills to innovate and lead in the intersection of fashion and technology. The topics cover comprehensive market research techniques tailored to the fashion tech industry, enabling students to identify emerging trends and consumer needs. Students will learn to develop Minimum Viable Products (MVP) and conduct effective beta testing to iterate and refine tech-driven fashion solutions.

Start-up development

This module grouping focuses on developing successful start-up business The topics cover essential aspects of entrepreneurship by anchoring them in relevant legal frameworks. There is an emphasis on lean start-up methodologies, funding strategies, and scaling operations.


In this module grouping, students will explore cutting-edge promotional tactics, including digital marketing, influencer partnerships, and immersive experiences. The curriculum emphasizes the integration of technology and data analytics to optimize marketing efforts, ensuring that graduates can effectively navigate and influence the rapidly evolving fashion tech landscape.

Lab Experimentation

The Lab Experimentation module grouping is a hands-on, innovative course designed to bridge technology and fashion. This module focuses on the application of cutting-edge technologies such as 3D printing, wearable tech, smart textiles, and augmented reality in fashion. Students will engage in experimental projects, prototyping, and real-time testing of tech-integrated fashion solutions. Through collaborative lab sessions, they will learn to harness technological advancements to create innovative fashion products and experiences. This module aims to foster creativity, technical proficiency, and a forward-thinking approach, preparing students to lead and innovate at the intersection of fashion and technology.

During this module, students will be invited to work in our New Technologies Laboratory Foundry.

Start-Up Challenge

The Startup Challenge is a dynamic and practical experience designed to immerse students in the entrepreneurial world of fashion technology. Participants develop and refine their startup concepts, learning to articulate their ideas effectively to potential investors and stakeholders. Through workshops, mentoring sessions, and mock pitches, students gain invaluable insights into the startup ecosystem, honing their presentation skills and business acumen.

Fashion Lab

The Fashion Lab module grouping is handled by the Direction of Corporate Relations of IFA Paris. Through a variety of practical workshops, students will get the opportunity to be involved in real-life case studies provided by partner brands. They will also have the opportunity to work on their professional profile through customized coaching sessions to ensure they can secure a 6-month internship.

Fashion business: specialising in entrepreneurship


  • Year 1: Hold a Bac+3 in communication, marketing or business, plus experience in the fashion sector
  • Year 2: Hold a Bac+4 in communication, marketing or business, plus experience in the fashion sector

Course duration

The Fashion Marketing and Product Development Manager course consists of a two-year cooperative education, with 504 hours per year (4 days/week at a company and 1 day/week in training at IFA Paris).

Classes are held in person or online and take the form of group work, face-to-face teaching, conferences, and more.

Operational objectives/Target skills

  • To analyse trends and strategies in the fashion and luxury market as part of the development of a brand or concept
  • To create a comprehensive fashion or luxury brand or concept, including the analysis of the competition and image strategy
  • To define a marketing strategy for a fashion or luxury brand or concept
  • To develop communication and digital marketing strategies designed to promote a fashion or luxury brand or concept
  • To devise a distribution strategy aimed at rolling out the fashion or luxury brand or concept across its territories and markets, online, off-line and phygitally
  • To manage a team as part of the development of a fashion or luxury company

Teaching methods employed

Classes are held in person or online and are structured on the basis of group work, face-to-face teaching, lectures, etc.

Assessment methods

Oral and written assessments, continuous assessment, evaluation during project phases.

Certification type

The award of the Fashion Marketing and Product Development Manager certification. Level 7 (equiv. to Bac+5) is conditional upon validation of all the skill sets.

RNCP “Fashion Marketing and Product Development Manager ” Level 7 (equiv. to Bac+5) issued by Mode Estate – professional certification registered with the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications) by decision of France Compétences on 24/11/2021 (RNCP 36047).

A verified set of skills is acquired over 5 years.

No pathway/No transfer

Result indicators

  • Drop-out rate: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Attendance rate for certification tests: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Certification attainment rate: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Further study rate: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Rate of entry into employment after 6 months: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Rate of entry into a profession in line with certification after 6 months: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)
  • Value added by the establishment: N/A (1st class graduates in 2024)

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What job prospects are there after the Postgraduate program in Fashion Business?

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